Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 30

After breakfast this morning. As usual he's fed and done before we even get started. But that's alright. he doesn't travel far from us. He likes the company too. :)

Day 29

Just a snack before we headed to the UAH pool. He had so much fun their!

Day 28

He's reading his baby book. I have pictures of me looking at photobooks of myself when I was little. This kind of reminds me of that. I definitely feel like I've come full circle on that. So when he takes pictures of his little ones looking at their baby stuff will I have come full circle twice, or is it a spiral getting smaller?

Day 27

More bath time fun!

Day 26

After running around UAH I thought this looked pretty neat.

Day 25

Scottie hasn't been featured yet, so right before bed I snapped this. I had to manual focus him because he's all black. And the lens didn't like it too much.

Day 24

He's all about his Maci!

Day 23

Miss Pancake thought ti would be fun to get up in the attic. All because we finally put up all of the Christmas decorations. Well we opened up the attic and I saw this kitty looking scared. Thankfully daddy was around to get her down.

Day 22

Helping daddy clean up the yard.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 21

Playing with one of his favorite toys. He pushes it, rides it, and even presses the buttons. Four bagillion times. He is definitely a button pusher.

Day 20

Mister Mister didn't want to go to bed. So he decided to sit where mama was sitting.

Day 19

Fun in the bathtub!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 15

Miss Pancake, she's loves looking out the window. There are lots of birds outside looking for a bite to eat since the snow is melting, and they really capture her attention. Our other cat could care less.

Day 14

Miss Sasha was my running partner and as we started running there was a beautiful sunset. Everything had this awesome pink light on it. And Sasha was drenched in it. She's such a silly puppy.

Day 13

So we've decided to make our own recipe book. Mostly from our own made up recipes. This one was going to be the start of it all. Strawberry Orange Chicken Curry. Well it was a flop and won't get used in our cook book. But at least we're trying.

Day 12

It was another snow day for us. So Mister Mister went pants free. He really loves having his chair by the window. He'll play with his cars on the windowsill and look out the window.  He's just getting so big!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 11

He climbs in chairs on his own now. And this is his first time to actually sit and watch TV. I played his Thomas DVD which he said "please" to watch.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 10

Snow day! He really didn't like the snow. I think he knew he should play in it. But it was cold.

Day 9

Some days the other kids need a picture of them too. They after all, are there everyday.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 6

He feel asleep early tonight. And I felt compelled to get a picture of him sleeping. Though I have tons from when he sleeps in the car seat, not as many while he's in bed.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5

So Mister Mister likes to tickle us. And when he says it, it sounds like he's saying "lickle, lickle, lickle" Now just add some super excitement to that, and you're right there getting tickled by him. Until he comes behind you and adds his secret surprise. The bite. He got daddy.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 4

Mister Misters best buddy. They can both say each others names. I am hopeful that they'll be friends for a long time. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3

One of Mister Mister's favorite things to do it is read. He'll scoot into our laps with his book in hand ready to be read too. And he has his favorite books he'll continually want us to read to him too. Sometimes 4 or 5 times in a row.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2

We found a Salamander under our trash can. And we made it a safer home in our backyard. Mister Mister helped with the dirt.

Day 1

Mister Mister is a great self feeder.